Life, Health, and Music
Hallo Mahasiswa Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.
Tak terasa fakultas kita tercinta sudah akan mencapai umurnya yg ke-14 tahun.
Ayo ramaikan milad FKM UAD yg ke-14th.
Teman2 bisa berkontribusi memeriahkan milad FKM UAD yg ke-14th dgn membuat video ucapan di tempat2 seru andalan temen2.
Caranya mudah! Buat video dgn kriteria dibawah ini.
1. Durasi video : 5-15 detik (boleh upload di IG saat tgl 7 mei)
2. Saat Upload di IG gunakan: #Milad14FKM #UAD #VideoChallenge #PublicHealth #7Mei
3. Boleh dgn kamera apapun (HP, GoPro, Camdig, DSLR, dll.)
4.Boleh berkelompok atau individu.
5. Mengucapkan "Selamat Ulang Tahun FKM UAD yg ke-14".
6. Video direkam dgn latar tempat2 unik dan seru andalan teman2 (boleh tempat wisata, pantai, candi, goa, gunung, dll.)
7. Kami akan memberi Reward berdasarkan penilaian lewat kategori:
8. Kemudian mengirimkan video tersebut ke email abdulfarhanjihad@gmail.com
Dgn format : Format: Nama_Nama Tempat_Angkatan_No.HP_Judul Unik Video
9.Jika sudah di kirim segera konfirmasi lagi dgn menghubungi no.08983880280
10. Semua video yg masuk akan di tampilkan di Closing Ceremony
Video ucapan teman2 bakal di tampilkan saat closing ceremony milad FKM UAD bulan Mei nanti.
So masih banyak waktu, lets join us!
There so much weirdy and freaky people in this university.
One of them, there is a man who always sad for his exam result every single terms. But he never heard every single word that his friends said to him.
And now, every single term test, he always feel bad and sad for his term test result.
Again and again, he always fall in to the same hole and bad situation till now.
It isn't about what his friends said. But it's all about how he think straight, do the best thing that is 'the right thing to do' and listen carefully what friends said, it's for your reminder, that what's you did is still wrong, then you know that you need to do the other 'right thing'.
Dont be insist that whats you do now is the best thing, NO! There are thousands 'best things' that's better from your 'best thing' to do.
Okay, thats a little true story about someone, and now I wonder how the story in people's head about me?? 😂
(To be continue..)